Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mini black holes pass through the Earth on a daily basis… without causing any damage?

Scientist Lewis Bazley claims that mini black holes pass through the Earth on a daily basis without causing any damage. Read the article here, then let’s talk.

Image credit: (the article)

This is an interesting proposition. Do you believe it? How could a black hole not cause any damage? Why haven’t we heard about this before? Will you blame black holes when your cell phone goes missing now? (Joking about that last one... everyone knows tiny green men are responsible for that.)

We already had some evidence of mini black holes existing in our solar system published in 2006, but this is the first time -- correct me if I'm wrong, for I frequently am -- that there has been talk of harmless black holes on Earth. What do you make of that?

Am I really interested in what other people think about this. Discuss in comments, por favor.

Tab Count: 15
WILT: I'll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan (...seriously.)

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